Covered in snow, snow blocks, ice, and packed ice. Tends to generate in sharp and jagged peaks in areas with snowy, cold, and temperate biomes. Covered in snow, snow blocks and stone. One of three biomes that generate in the mountain peaks. Igloos and pillager outposts can generate in this biome. Only rabbits and goats spawn in this biome. Covered in top snow, snow block and powder snow. Generates in the slopes of a mountain when next to plains and snowy tundra. Pillager outposts can generate in this biome. Rabbits, wolves, foxes, sheep, pigs, chickens and cows spawn in this biome. Reminiscent of a snowy taiga with a surface of snow blocks and powder snow, instead of grass blocks. Generates in the slopes of a snowy mountain when next to forested biomes. Plains villages and pillager outposts can generate in this biome.
Only rabbits, donkeys, and sheep spawn in this biome. Birch and oak trees can rarely appear in this biome, and always have bee nests. Contains grass, tall grass, dandelions, azure bluets, cornflowers, poppies, daisies and alliums. Generates in plateaus and the lowest layers of some mountains, usually near plains and other temperate biomes. A grassy elevated biome that looks like a flowery and colder plains, with an aqua grass color and dark blue water color. Noodle caves are thinner, squigglier, and more claustrophobic variants of spaghetti caves. Spaghetti caves are long, thin caves that have small aquifers and are more similar to original caves. Cheese caves have large stone towers stretching from the bottom of the cave to the top, and are often large enough to allow safe elytra flight. New noise caves, coming in 3 forms, "cheese", "spaghetti", and "noodle". Improved old caves to blend in with the new generations of caves better. Aquifers below Y=0 sometimes generate with lava instead of water. Contain aquifers, bodies of water with different heights, independent of sea level (Y=63). Biomes such as the dripstone caves and lush caves now generate in the underground. Dirt, diorite, granite and andesite do not generate in this layer. Certain types of ores and structures still generate in the deepslate layer, as well as tuff and gravel. Deepslate completely replaces stone from Y=-8 to bedrock.
Stone transitions to deepslate from Y=0 to Y=-7.The layer above Y=0 is made up of regular stone.
The caves now generate in 2 layers of different stone bases depending on the depth.Has a blue and green color to the ring area of the disc.Can be found on rare occasions in stronghold corridor chests, or much more rarely in dungeon chests.Added a new music disc from Lena Raine titled "otherside".